On That Jack

A music video for ¡Mayday!’s song On That Jack. Stylized to look similar to the designs and portrait on a Jack Daniels bottle.

“Güzel :)”

— Hasan Değirmenci


“Mayday definitely has the best sm music videos”

— Lavia


“LOVED IT, CD IS AWESOME and you're videos you've been putting out are very enjoyable to watch. 10/10 !Mayday!”

— PsYuSoFly


“Good video and song”

— 345shawng

“Great vid for great song!”

— budhaztm


“2000 up 33 down. A bad day for haters, haha”

— Chris Yacono


“Çok iyi!!”

— Veli Batuhan Aytaç 2